What better way is there to celebrate the Chinese New Year than by inviting the Golden Luck Dragon into your home!
Golden coils of
the great horned dragon will
bring good luck
My work on this piece began while conducting researching on Ge Hong’s (葛洪 283 – 364 an originator of Traditional Chinese Medicine) work The Baopuzi (抱朴子 Book of the Master Who Embraces Simplicity). I was lead to believe there was a recipe for immortality which included shenjiu 神虬 “divine horned-dragon.” There was some uncertainty as to whether this dragon was actually a Qinqiu (勤求). It says that to strive for immortality is not an easy game but can only be successful if enough efforts in learning are made. An immortal has to continue (qin qiu bu yi 勤求不已) to nourish these conditions in order not to lose his abilities. Therefore students are as plentiful as hair on a cow’s skin, but those who achieved immortality areas rare as a dragon’s horn. 因此,學生就像牛的頭髮一樣豐富,但是那些達到永生領域的人卻像神虬的角一樣罕見
Therefore students are as plentiful as hair on a cow’s skin, but those who achieved immortality areas rare as a unicorn’s horn
This sticker, among others, will be available as an add-on for supporters of the forthcoming kickstarter crowd-funding campaign: Tuesday February 1st.