With February drawing to a close, here is a small look back at the occurrences which gave this month it’s shape.
9:00pm PST Tuesday February 21st, 2023 – it became official.
The Kickstarter campaign for A Tiger’s Tale volumes 1 & 2 accrued a numbers of successes on its way to completion
A short list of them include
- Funding goal reached in 1 week
- Project We Love
- 100 Backer goal reached
- Featured as Kickstarter Read’s Project of the Day (2/20/2)
- All stretch goals unlocked*

*The stretch goals which make this graphic novel even more luxurious are listed below –
- $3900: A Thank You Section
- $4000: Spot Gloss Title
- $4500: 6 Additional Pages
- $5000: 10 Additional Pages
- $5,500: Custom printed Backer-Board
Not only will your copy of A Tiger’s Tale volume 2 arrive bagged and boarded (like a properly collectable comic should) That board will come printed with artwork on both sides. On Side A the above mentioned pin-up by Sifu Kurtis Fujita and side B will feature a custom commission by the Hawaiian born animation professional recently turned graphic novelist Lahela Schoessler.
- $6000: Gate-Fold-out map
Explore the world of Pan-Gu with a specially illustrated map of the world of A TIger’s Tale in a gate-fold cover to the book which, when unfolded, reveals its map!

A glimpse at calendars used to stay on track (+/-)

Watch for a production schedule update with will include date for the release of the digital and hard-copy version of A Tiger’s Tale volumes one and two.