Watch for tomorrow’s big news!
Patrick Lugo
Uncovered: Master Tu edition
I just uncovered a few forgotten copies of the ultra rare MASTER TU edition to volume 1 of A TIGER’s TALE. I’m making available on my new store: #plugoarts #atigerstale #graphicnovel
The Birth of Death
A Special Halloween edition of Tiger tales. Izanagi-no-Mikoto (伊邪那岐命/伊弉諾尊) and his wife Izanami-no-Mikoto (伊弉冉尊/伊邪那美命) are the creators of the Japanese archipelago and the progenitors of many deities, which include the sun goddess Amaterasu, the moon deity Tsukuyomi, and the storm god Susanoo. After her untimely death, Izanagi, wishing to see Izanami again, went down to Yomi, the land of the dead, in the hopes of retrieving her.
Bigfoot revelation: live replay
Cornelius Boots and The Wood Prophets:
Bigfoot Revelation album release concert
Live Tonight! 8:PM PST
Hosts Sifu Kurtis Fujita & Patrick Lugo proudly welcome author James Robinson & illustrator Jeff Johnson (who makes his second appearance on THE COMICS FU SHOW) to discuss the Kickstarter campaign behind their new comic: Rogues’ Kingdom!
Wuxia Wednesday: ZHAO part 2
Part 2 – of our Wuxia Wednesday coverage! In April of 2023 I had the good fortune to recieve a preview of the graphic novel project ZHAO. it was among 14 other submissions to the 2023 MAKE MORE COMICS art grant. Further proof that Wuxia Comics continue to flourish. Learn more about Zhao Volume 1 – the epic 200-page graphic novel. Have an exclusive look preview pages steeped in historical fiction, chronicling the legendary saga of the Spear-Master of the Zhao Clan #wuxiaWednesday #wuxia
Wuxia Wednesday: ZHAO
Wuxia Comics continue to flourish. Zhao Volume 1 – An epic 200-page graphic novel steeped in historical fiction, chronicling the legendary saga of the Spear-Master of the Zhao Clan #wuxiaWednesday #wuxia