Kung Fu Secret: Wuxia’s Youxia

Who are the Youxia (遊俠)? The wandering heroes of ancient China are described with this blanket term; anyone who was well traveled and righted the wrongs they saw before them. This type of warrior folk hero is frequently celebrated in Chinese poetry and fiction. A term commonly translated as “wandering vigilante” or “knight-errant” and less commonly known as “cavalier”, “adventurer”, “soldier of fortune” or “underworld stalwart.” A Futuwwa, Fianna or Ronin.

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Wuxia Reveal #4

Graphic of a pixeliated illustration with text reading "The A Tiger's Tale Wuxia Warrior Reveal number four"

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Check out our new WUXIA WARRIORS section!

On Tiger Tuesday week 20 we are launching a new section to our website. a place for our Wuxia Warriors to gather.

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