Meet Grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng a renown taoist master with martial championship credentials in Taiwan, Grandmaster Tu has traveled the world sharing his unique martial/fitness/longevity training, and has earned a formidable reputation for his physics defying feats; standing on eggs without cracking them or chopping a steel pipe with his bare hands are just a couple. He is also a prolific author, talented musician and an accomplished painter and traditional calligrapher. Grandmaster Tu’s calligraphy has been featured 22 times in KUNG FU TAI CHI magazine
“Color depends on the individual. If you are generally cold, you need to surround yourself with warm colors. If you are warm, surely you need cooling colors. Within calligraphy, if you are painting straight lines, dotted lines, solid lines, bold lines or changing the angle of your strokes, it all makes a difference. Even the subject of your painting is important too.”
“No matter what you do, martial arts, soft arts like painting or music, whatever, what you are really trying to achieve is your quest for your origin. If you are going to prolong your life, you have to find the “spring” of your life or your “life well.” This is longevity qigong, finding your origin. That’s the most important place for you.” –
Tu Jin-Sheng Kung Fu TAI CHI magazine April 2003
When Grandmaster Tu discovered I was also an illustrator, he was delighted. It wasn’t long before we were exchanging gifts of art, and ultimately a book exchange. So, when I began the journey to bring A Tiger’s Tale to the public, it was not long before I reached out to him. I felt it was more important to offer a cover created in the tradition of shu-mo hua (水墨畫) ink-wash painting. Not only has he made available one of his painting for use as an alternate cover and more, he generously provided this second painting. Part inspiration, part prescription: the painting he provided is his interpretation of the Shaolin Muscle Tendon Change Classic (Shaolin Yijinjing 少林易筋經) the original Kung Fu workout.
See more from Grandmaster Tu涂金盛老師MasterTu
When Grandmaster Tu discovered I was also an illustrator, he was delighted. It wasn’t long before we were exchanging gifts of art, and ultimately a book exchange. So, when I began the journey to bring A Tiger’s Tale to the public, it was not long before I reached out to him. You see, on the advice of others, it had been suggested that I find an artist of some renown to provide an alternate cover for my project. With a growing number of martial arts themed comics appearing this year alone, several comic artists immediately came to mind, but in keeping with the hidden spirit of A Tiger’s Tale, I felt it was more important to offer a cover created in the tradition of shu-mo hua (水墨畫) ink-wash painting. He generously agreed.
This Grandmaster Tu Edition will be offered as an exclusive reward tier on kickstarter.