Reviewed on Story Comic

The November 9th StoryComic Weekly Newsletter – reviews A TIGER’s TALE volume 2

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Early Reviews!

While we’ve yet to reach the halfway point in terms of fulfillment for A TIGER’s TALE volume 2. But those early responses are quite positive.

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Unboxing A TIGER’s TALE vol. 2

On the afternoon of August 8 I received 4 boxes full of copies of A TIGER’s TALE volume 2. Here’s the unboxing.

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Big News! Vol. 2 Arrives.

Our #TigerTuesday updates have been revive for this special announcement! Hard copies of A TIGER’s TALE volume 2 have arrived.

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Illustrating the Wet Hare

In celebration of the New Lunar Year of the Dragon I created this special comic. Actually, it was more a meditation and celebration of the year previous. The year of the wet hare, but I recorded the illustration process to share with you here.

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Deadline extended!

Deadline extended! If you would like to receive our New Lunar New Year Comic you now have one more day to subscribe.

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TIGER TALK with Special Guest: Geof Darrow

It was a rather random opportunity which lead to Interviewing the legendary Geof Darrow, creator of The Shaolin Cowboy and concept artist behind such films as The Matrix. After some days of preparation and two pages of neatly typed out questions, we met over zoom an immediately discarded any pretense of a formal interview to enjoy a free-wheeling conversation which covered his comics & movie work, tales of interesting people he’s met and a surprisingly in-depth conversation of the many Kung Fu & Samurai films which we both love and consider influences.

Many of those details will be covered in the official interview at

But below you’ll find some of the enjoyable tangents we took which might be more of interest to comic and movie aficionados in particular.

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