On Esoteric Taoism

Taoist qigong is the most famous form of esoteric Taoism. Aimed at achieving health (or immortality) historic manuals on breathing explore different exercises developed around the idea of keeping breath in the body, as opposed to losing it. These texts examine concepts of breathing air or Qi into and through parts of the body; the heart, stomach and lower abdomen, or dantien.But there’s more…

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Taoism is variously a philosophy, a religion and a science. Concerning itself with the natural forces of the universe, the essential meaning of life, and a mystical belief in immortality, it attempts to capture the way of all things.

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World of Martial Arts: December 1997 part 2

An in-depth look at the pages of the December 1997 issue of WORLD of MARTIAL ARTS magazine.

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World of Martial Arts: December 1997

A brief flash back to a career first for the Tiger’s Tale comic. It’s special extended feature in the pages of WORLD of MARTIAL ARTS magazine.

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Shaolin Temple North America

BREAKING: grounds blessed for a Shaolin Temple monastery to be founded in the Red Mountains of North America.

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Dragons, Demons & Jiängshi

Over Halloween friend & collaborator Gene Ching wrote a delightful post on Kung Fu & Demons. Let’s take a look…

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Uncovered: Master Tu edition

I just uncovered a few forgotten copies of the ultra rare MASTER TU edition to volume 1 of A TIGER’s TALE. I’m making available on my new store: books.PLUGOarts.com #plugoarts #atigerstale #graphicnovel

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