Watch for tomorrow’s big news!
World of Martial Arts: December 1997 part 2
An in-depth look at the pages of the December 1997 issue of WORLD of MARTIAL ARTS magazine.
A Graphic Novel for Young Martial Artists of all ages.
An in-depth look at the pages of the December 1997 issue of WORLD of MARTIAL ARTS magazine.
A brief flash back to a career first for the Tiger’s Tale comic. It’s special extended feature in the pages of WORLD of MARTIAL ARTS magazine.
BREAKING: grounds blessed for a Shaolin Temple monastery to be founded in the Red Mountains of North America.
Over Halloween friend & collaborator Gene Ching wrote a delightful post on Kung Fu & Demons. Let’s take a look…
I’ll be hosting comics artist/professor Ryan Claytor’s live online Q&A and presentation of his new art book, ONE BITE AT A TIME at 10:00am PST — see more…
I just uncovered a few forgotten copies of the ultra rare MASTER TU edition to volume 1 of A TIGER’s TALE. I’m making available on my new store: #plugoarts #atigerstale #graphicnovel