Sketch Cover Revealed

Time-lapse of the creation of an A TIger’s Tale Sketch Cover across volumes 1 & 2.

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Big News! Vol. 2 Arrives.

Our #TigerTuesday updates have been revive for this special announcement! Hard copies of A TIGER’s TALE volume 2 have arrived.

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Volume 2: Lettered

great news! Lettering for A Tiger’s Tale volume 2 is complete.

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Year of the Wet Hare: free comic

Readers of the official A Tiger’s Tale newsletter “Tiger Talk” received this special comic as a lunar new year gift. Now you can read it free.

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Illustrating the Wet Hare

In celebration of the New Lunar Year of the Dragon I created this special comic. Actually, it was more a meditation and celebration of the year previous. The year of the wet hare, but I recorded the illustration process to share with you here.

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The Birth of Death

A Special Halloween edition of Tiger tales. Izanagi-no-Mikoto (伊邪那岐命/伊弉諾尊) and his wife Izanami-no-Mikoto (伊弉冉尊/伊邪那美命) are the creators of the Japanese archipelago and the progenitors of many deities, which include the sun goddess Amaterasu, the moon deity Tsukuyomi, and the storm god Susanoo. After her untimely death, Izanagi, wishing to see Izanami again, went down to Yomi, the land of the dead, in the hopes of retrieving her.

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Today’s Post Delayed: for a special #WuxiaWednesday feature!

Today’s #TigerTuesday Blog Post has been delayed. Watch for a special #WuxiaWednesday feature arriving tomorrow!

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