Uncovered: Master Tu edition

I just uncovered a few forgotten copies of the ultra rare MASTER TU edition to volume 1 of A TIGER’s TALE. I’m making available on my new store: books.PLUGOarts.com #plugoarts #atigerstale #graphicnovel

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Sending Out The Hóngbāo (紅包): comic-cards.

As April draws to a close our Kickstart.TigersTale.com campaign moves from digital delivery to the first of our physical rewards. The Hóngbāo (紅包): 1 page comic-cards

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#TigerTuesday 14: fulfillment begins

One unique dimension of this #tigertuesday is opportunity to hand-deliver reward items to those select few backers who are either close friends or beneficiaries of coincidence.

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