we unbox A TIGER’s TALE v.1
Chen: The Thunder of The Bagua
Chen ☳ the powerful voice of heaven. is the trigram represents the arousing and shaking, what disturbs and unsettles, and therefore what triggers change.
A Graphic Novel for Young Martial Artists of all ages.
Chen ☳ the powerful voice of heaven. is the trigram represents the arousing and shaking, what disturbs and unsettles, and therefore what triggers change.
What are the “eight changes” (八卦 – also pa kua)? Along with the five elements, this eight changes, more commonly known as the “Bagua” form the basis of nearly all Chinese metaphysical systems, especially the I Ching (or Yijing), the oracle book.
Voting has started on the selection of a favorite cover. We’ll be announcing the results in just one week. #atigerstale #kickstarter #kickstagram #cover #coverart #coverdesign #sneakpeek